Title: Voices In Peace Concert
Location: Fraserview Church
Description: This is a wonderful concert that is in it’s 8th year and the RYHC Choirs 5th season of participation. The “Voices In Peace” Concert” is an absolutely free concert that will not ask for any donations. The purpose of this concert is to reflect on the tragedy and tremendous destruction of war, on the lost lives and sacrifices others have made, but also include stories that reflect what Peace looks like in action. The concert is meant to inspire the attender to seek ways to actively work and live in peaceful ways in their own lives and with others as far reaching as the world. To this end the concert is free. All participants donate their art, Peace Mennonite Church and Fraserview Church donate facilities and production costs. Come and be renewed and inspired towards personal and world peace!
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2014-11-11
End Time: 20:30