Title: Last Day to order Discounted Tickets for “Sing You Home” Concert on May, 27th. 2017
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Description: This is the last day to order discounted tickets to our “Sing You Home” 15th Anniversary and Canada 150 Concert featuring all 3 of the RYHC choirs, the Richmond Delta Youth Orchestra, and the Hummingbird Youth Dancers. The RYHC will be premiering their new commission by Timothy Corlis called, “We Will Sing You Home” accompanied by the Richmond Delta Youth Orchestra, Senior Strings! Atleast 2 of our Canadian composers, including Timothy Corlis will be in attendance at the concert for you to meet! There will be a great reception to celebrate following the concert! Today the tickets are all $10.00 Tomorrow adults $20.00 and concession is $15.00.
Date: 2017-03-31