Title: RYHC Auditions for all Choirs for “A Season of Silliness!” 2015-2016
Location: Palmer Secondary School, 8160 St. Albans Road, Richmond BC, V6Y 2K9
Link out: Click here
Description: We will be auditioning for all 3 levels of our choirs by appointment. You may book an appointment by emailing ryhcad@gmail,com. Singers are asked to please prepare one song of their choice for their audition. Singers are asked to arrive at least 15 minutes before their appointment in order to fill out the appropriate applications and review information. Please confirm that you are available for the regular rehearsal schedule and performance dates BEFORE Auditioning for the choir. There is a $25 audition fee that is credited towards your tuition if you join the choir. No audition will take place without the fee.
Start Time: 16:00
Date: 2015 May 13, 16
End Time: 19:30