Title: “Sing You Home” RYHC 15th Anniversary and Canada 150 Concert
Location: Fraserview Church 11295 Mellis Drive Richmond
Link out: Click here
Description: This is our incredible 15th Anniversary Season concert which celebrating Canada 150! In honour of these 2 significant birthdays, we are premiering our newest commission by acclaimed Canadian composer Timothy Corlis called “We Will Sing You Home”. We will be performing it with the Richmond Delta Youth Orchestra! We also have the energetic and talented First Nations “Hummingbird Youth Dancers” coming to perform and with us! After the concert you will be hosted to a marvelous reception and have the chance to not only meet the singers and performers, but also some of our very talented Canadian composers featured in the program including Timothy Corlis and Elder Mary Fontaine! Please purchase tickets at a significant discount by March 31st, 2017 at Eventbrite.ca
After that they will also be available for regular price at Eventbrite, choir members and the Long and Mcquade store in Richmond on No 3 Road, Adult $20 and Concession for Senior and 12 and under $15.
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2017-05-27
End Time: 21:00